PICTURETHIS(TM) ORDER FORM TO: HortIdeas Publishing 460 Black Lick Rd. Gravel Switch, KY 40328 U.S.A. PLEASE SEND THE FOLLOWING: ____ Copies of the distribution disk set for Release 4.0 of the REGISTERED VERSION of PictureThis (with phone and/or mail support). Enclosed is $75.00 per copy. I understand that for each disk set I am ordering, I am purchasing a non-exclusive license to use the programs and documentation on the distribution disk set on one computer at a time. ____ Copies of the distribution disk set for the most recent Release of the "SHAREWARE" VERSION of PictureThis (with NO support). Enclosed is $15.00 per copy. I understand that for each disk set I am ordering, I am purchasing a non-exclusive license for PRIVATE NONCOMMERCIAL use of the programs and documentation on the distribution disk set, and a non-exclusive license to distribute UNALTERED copies of the distribution disk set (provided that I charge no more than $15.00 per set). ____ Information on availability and pricing of future releases of PictureThis subsequent to Release 4.0. (REGISTERED VERSION users will receive this information automatically.) ALL DISTRIBUTION DISKS ARE 5.25" DSDD WITH 360KB DOS FORMAT. FREE FIRST-CLASS POSTAGE AND HANDLING IN NORTH AMERICA. OVERSEAS, PLEASE ADD $5.00 PER ORDER. U.S. FUNDS ONLY. SORRY, NO CREDIT CARD ORDERS. _ _ TOTAL ENCLOSED: _______________ |_| CHECK |_| MONEY ORDER NAME ________________________________________________________ COMPANY _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY/STATE OR PROVINCE ______________________________________ POSTAL CODE/COUNTRY _________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE "SHAREWARE" MARKETING CONCEPT!!!